9 Secrets To Gain Muscle MASS & SIZE!
Many of you might think that you’ve tried everything and are still skinny, or aren’t able to get ripped the way you want to. Are you tired of those weight gaining diets and still are not able to gain? It seems so easy to gain and build muscles with the help of supplements, but it is easier with natural methods. People think being skinny is better than being fat. Let me correct you, it is the biggest myth because for a skinny, to gain weight is equally difficult as losing weight is for an obsessed person.
Let’s look ahead to what can be done to achieve the desired results:
Secret 1: Give your training not more than an hour:
Long training hours spent in the gym, pushing your body to an extent of being tired is of no use. Make sure your workout has high intensity and not mere time consumption.
Less time spent here and there talking to the gym members and finishing up your workout in time keeps your body heated and helps you save time as well.
Note: Cardio working hours are to be calculated separately and not within one hour of weight and muscle training.
Secret 2: SUPPLEMENTS: an unhealthy shortcut :
We see people falling prey to the supplement industry daily and every hour. It is recommended to not to depend on supplements, as the name suggests, it is just a supplement for your effort.
Note: Only supplements recommended are Protein Powders and Weight Gainers after the workout.
Secret 3: Are you eating the right food on right time?
In case you have a very fast metabolism, you burn a lot of calories already even if you are sitting idle. So this is important for you to know that your body needs the energy to burn and protein to build muscle. Eating right amount on right time is all that your gaining schedule demands out of your diet.
Note: 5-6 calorie-dense meals with a 2-3 hour gap can provide you enough energy and strength to do high-intensity workout and background muscle building altogether.
Secret 4: It’s not a big deal to be SKINNY:
Once you start accepting who you are and start loving your body, it makes introducing changes to your body easy. To change if you desire to isn’t bad, but if you train yourself to train under pressure, you would not succeed.
Note: Try to reduce the activities outside the gym in order to keep your energy maintained to burn in an effective manner.
Secret 5: Focus on Progression:
As mentioned above, you should go for the high-intensity workout in place of more reps and long hours of a training schedule. One can shed a lot of weight by increasing the no. of reps but to gain muscle, you need to Lift Heavy.
Note: As important is overeating but healthy eating, so important is heavy lifting. It might seem difficult but the end result will be worth the pain.
Secret 6: Know what Calories you intake:
until now, I had always heard the same phrase from a large number of people who wanted to gain,”No matter how much I eat, I hardly gain a pound”. So here, you’re absolutely wrong. until now, you’ve been just eating.
Now, start looking for what you are eating. When you know that regular consumption of daily food isn’t giving you desired results, try changing the normal food to specialized food with proper calorie intake.
Note: Make sure the diet you take contains calorie dense food and your body is coaxed to eat as it has to change for your good.
Secret 7: Bring changes in Reps every week:
sticking to the same old routine brings boredom and people lack interest in a workout. Changing the reps every week, either increasing them or decreasing them, brings about a change and also tells your body that you’re preparing for more.
Note: Gradual change in reps like from 20 reps of 3 sets to 30 reps of 3 sets, give your body the signals that you’re going to train harder ahead.
Secret 8: Hunt for a Buffet at least once a week:
To develop the habit of eating in big portion, one should at least try buffet eating once in a week to test their eating capacity. As at last, all you need is to eat and eat a lot to gain muscles.
Note: Buffet having different types of healthy food is recommended.
Secret 9: Take help from Mass Gainers:
We don’t recommend mass gainers as such, but in case you’ve tried all the above-mentioned ideas and you can’t eat more than that, also you’re tired of eating and still not gaining, so it’s better to take help of Mass Gainers. Try substituting your rice, veggies, chicken etc. with shakes.
Note: Mass Gainers along with proper diet and workout help you get desired results.
Conclusion: There are various natural ways to gain weight and people have shown a very good response to keeping these points in mind. These above-mentioned points are tried and tested and will surely help
Do let us know if any of these helped you in any manner and leave your comments below.